Hello Summer! It’s Gonna be a Hot One for Men’s Used Socks!

Summer will be here before we know it! Can you believe it’s almost June? I’ve got some special socks just for the summer that I will be listing soon! I also have a few new sheer styles.

I try to create a post on here as often as I can remember (looks like the last one was almost a year ago – YIKES!). I am always getting messages from people asking me if my website is active. The answer is: of course it’s active! 🙂

Just a friendly reminder also that if you ever have any special requests, feel free to send me a message and see what I can do for you. And this brings me to my next topic – OTW Socks! OTW socks were created as a way to keep costs down and I only order them once an order is placed. Additionally, if you ever come across any socks online that you like and you want me to wear, just let me know and we can work something out!

Sock Jock of the Month – Freddy

I know, I know. We’ve been slacking off on the sock jock of the month postings! But, we have had some exciting things happen during that time. We will be making a post about the new changes coming soon.

Our sock jock month for February is Freddy T. Freddy currently works in accounting and is going to school for his Masters in business. He hopes to own his own business one day, particularly something in the field of home furnishing distribution. The furniture industry has always been something Freddy wants to be a part of.

In his spare time, Freddy likes to draw, play computer games, work out in the yard, go out for drinks, and workout in his home gym that’s in his garage. Freddy used to be a big track star in high school, when he lived in Fayetteville, NC. He still enjoys running, especially on the weekends.

Freddy has been a friend of mine since 2002. I spoke to him about my online site one day, and he said he thought it was an awesome idea, and was interested in becoming a seller. E-commerce fascinates Freddy, and he loves to learn more and more about selling online. Freddy lives in Trinity, NC.

You can view Freddy’s first listing here.