Hello Summer! It’s Gonna be a Hot One for Men’s Used Socks!

Summer will be here before we know it! Can you believe it’s almost June? I’ve got some special socks just for the summer that I will be listing soon! I also have a few new sheer styles.

I try to create a post on here as often as I can remember (looks like the last one was almost a year ago – YIKES!). I am always getting messages from people asking me if my website is active. The answer is: of course it’s active! 🙂

Just a friendly reminder also that if you ever have any special requests, feel free to send me a message and see what I can do for you. And this brings me to my next topic – OTW Socks! OTW socks were created as a way to keep costs down and I only order them once an order is placed. Additionally, if you ever come across any socks online that you like and you want me to wear, just let me know and we can work something out!

It’s Been a Minute!

It’s been a minute! Sometimes life gets in the way and before you know it, time has flown by like crazy. I just realized the last post I did was in September of 2021! A lot happened in 2022, and then towards the end of the year, business got so busy, we had to close the site just to catch up on orders. I’m sincerely thankful for all of you. Without you, I could not make this wonderful side business of mine a reality. And I enjoy it!

I keep meaning to post more on Instagram. You may have found me already, but I made another account, it’s @jasonp1923. I keep this account kind of low key for fear IG might ban me AGAIN. I still use my other account as well.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. Hope you all are doing well. I know I’m looking forward to summer!

I should be getting a new haul of new sock designs soon! In the meantime, enjoy these photos of my feet! 🙂