Thank You For Your Support!
It’s been quite a summer so far. I want to thank all of my customers for your loyal support of my store, and also for your patience with your orders. The site saw a rapid increase in orders around May/June, and even into July, and it’s been nuts trying to catch up on orders, but I love it! I really do enjoy filling all of the orders for you guys, and I am glad to offer you this service. I’ve gotten many compliments lately on how professional my store is and how convenient it is to buy men’s worn socks online. Many of you have waited years for a service like this, and I am pleased to be able to offer that for you.
We have some exciting things in the works, so stay tuned. Also, new socks will be added sometime in August or at the beginning of September, and I’m super excited about one pair in particular (they are the longest socks I’ve ever worn and are the same socks worn by professional athletes of one sport in particlar!!).
I hope you all are doing well during these insane times!
Jason P.